Angry Black Woman Speaks

Warrior Lock Black Woman
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Warrior Lock Women

By Jacqueline Amos


She walks with the symbol of thy Kings of Kings,

Locks and wisdom that sings,

within the realms of her ebony soft ritual of love.

The warriors song of the ebony  princess,

 teach the girl as a nation.

Raise the boy as an individual.


I control thy temple, thy king is thy warrior.

I step back when my kings speak, the life line of Gods commands.

Thy man shall choose the women, not the women who choose the man.

Know your rightful place, What God has command, no man shall erase.

Me sing no victim story, about the validation of man.

I know where my voice shall stand.

I the Queen of thy Prophet of Kings.



Thy hair is wooly, thy back is strong, I carry the legacy, in my bosom,

I hold the key to mans history, my back is strong.

I the caretaker of my family tree.  I the faceless women of thy history,

I shall not be tame, I cry no victim story of thy image that represents a Queen, Warrior of Locks, that hangs above my but, thy body is covered from head to toe, I wear the blood, of my brother who died on the cross.

I the symbol of a untainted queen.


 I water thy family tree, I fear not death, life is death, I prepare my place in the eyes of thou God.



There shall be no molding of the image I wear, I women the legacy of thy King.

Sing no victim song for thee.